An Informal Pilot “Snapshot” Clinical Study
Linda Nadia Hole MD June 16, 2015;
Even with my nearly 35 years in the field of Integrative Medicine, I must confess that when it comes to the healing possibilities of scalar energy, I was an unabashed sceptic.
How can sitting in a room with computers incessantly flashing iridescent colours across the screen possibly be healing?
This spring I had an opportunity to work directly with Dr Michael’s EESystem scalar energy myself, and was in for a surprise.
We present to you here, 10 self selected subjects, who came for EESystem scalar sessions, including 6 vets and a wife of a vet, and invite you to the possibility of a whole new paradigm for medicine.
Case #1: 59 yo WM Vet, presents with 3 year history of transitional cell carcinoma of bladder, first diagnosed May 2012, with persistent symptoms of daily gross hematuria, urgency, and urinary incontinence, s/p TURBT x 4; eight TBI’s, four requiring hospitalization ; and ADD/ADHD since childhood. January 2015, he commenced on a series of EESystem sessions. Within a month, his symptoms abated significantly, with 90 % improvement in hematuria, incontinence, and urgency. On May 28, 2015, his cystoscopy revealed “no evidence of worrisome invasive TCCA.” Pt furthermore reports “greater focus, composure, and productivity.” [see chart]
Case #2: 37 yo male Native American Vet, discharged on partial disability for brachial plexus neuropathy, presents complaining of 30 month history muscle weakness “no strength,” and 2 year history upper extremity numbness from shoulder to thumb and index fingers, with sensation only upon deep pressure.
Within 20 minutes of his 1st EES session, he reported return of sensation, “I haven’t felt this part of my arm in nearly 2 years!” At the end of his one hour EES session, he reported return of upper extremity strength, and his hand shake grip. Within a week of his EES session, he regained his ability to once again successfully fly aircraft.
Case #3: 58 yo male Native American Vet presents with a 30 year history of debilitating chronic cervical, and RLE pain, secondary to multiple MVA, most recently in 1976; with an 85% percent L ear hearing loss, and memory loss as well, secondary to TBI closed head injury.
His EES sessions were 3-4x/week, each lasting 2-3 hrs. Two sessions were overnight 8+ hours duration. After his 1st session, he woke the next morning for the first time in decades with “no pain.” During his 2nd EES session, he reports his hearing began returning. Week #4, he reported “total” relief of his pain, and 90% improvement in hearing. He also reports the welcome return of buried memories, long forgotten.
Case #4: 67 yo WM Vet presents with 45 year history L ear hearing loss, secondary to military accident. After his first EESystems session, which was an overnight 12 hours, his hearing returned fully to normal, and has remained so since. His grey hair color furthermore started growing back in brown, his original hair color.
Case #5: 71 yo WM Vet presents with 3 year history of diabetes and diabetic neuropathy, with progressive lower extremity numbness, pain, and paresthesias; HTN, and a life long history insomnia “I don’t sleep.”
During his very 1st EES session, “Pain in my feet went away; and I could go to sleep.” Over the next month of EES sessions, his blood pressure and blood sugars also normalized, and stabilized. With his most recent EES session, his sensation returned, “for the first time in two years, my feet feel almost normal!” [See chart]
Cases 6: 77 yo WM vet, s/p MVA x 3, presents with R hemiparesis, requiring full time 24/7assistance, unable to walk, dress himself, etc; chronic pain, and HTN. Meds included antihypertensives, gabapentin, and hydrocodone. After one week of EES overnight sessions; he regained enough mobility to dress himself, take himself to the bathroom, and get himself in and out of bed. His pain improved significantly; blood pressure normalized; and he stopped all his medications. His overall sense of well being and condition continued to improve over the remainder of his two week stay. He has since reported that he is now self sufficient enough to spend entire weekends without his care taker.
Case #7: 24 yo Oriental M presents for acute diving accident head injury, 10 yr history winged scapula, and insomnia. Pt had EES sessions x 4 days. On his 1st day, he did an extreme workout at the gym. Pt reported pain relief, better sleep, and more rapid than expected recovery from both injuries and gym, with no bruising, soreness, and/or swelling.
Case #8: 68 yo WF presents for follow up multiple hand injuries – see her letter [Dianne]
Case #9: 61 yo WF vet wife, presents with relapse of endometrial cancer, complaining of severe anal and rectal pain. After one 1 week of EES sessions 3-4 x/week, each of 2-3 hours duration, she reported remarkable relief of pain.
Case #10: 65 year old WF presents with 46 year history GER, 43 yr history bipolar disorder, 33 years HTN and hypothyroidism, 30 yr history sarcoidosis, 29 yr history herpes, 17 yr history diagnosed CFS and FMS, 9 year history AODM, 3 yr history chronic pancreatic, and recurrent history of pneumonia and URI’s since childhood. Began EESystem sessions 4 mo ago, 2-4x/week, 2-4hrs/session.
Under the care of her of her internist and hematologist, pt reports that, with exception of Lasix 40mg QD, she no longer requires the meds they prescribed for her GER, bipolar disorder, sarcoidosis, hypertension, or diabetes. Her thyroid dose has been reduced from 175mcg to 125mcg L thyroxin. Her lab results ACE level dropped from 140 to 68. Meds used to also include dexilant 60mg QD , zoloft 50mg QD, seroquel 100mg QD, xanax 1mg QD, losartan hctz 100/25mg QD, prednisone 60mg QD, zovirax 800mg TID, hydrocodone [hydromet] 10 mg Q8h, methotrexate 15mg weekly, and metformin 500mg BID.
Furthermore, the chronic pancreatic abdominal pain that she has had for the past 3 years is gone. Her FMS pain is 75% improved; she has had no outbreaks of herpes; and in her own words “now has more energy than ever. I run circles around people.”
Besides diet, and follow up with her internist and hematologist, EESystem is the only other modality she pursued during this 4 month period. [See pt chart]
Based on patients’ reports, physical exams, and laboratory reports; EES scalar wave sessions appear to have a positive effect in the following disorders:
Acute Injuries, ADD/ADHD, Bipolar Disorder, Cancer, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Depression, Diabetes, Diabetic Neuropathy, Exercise Recovery, Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Gastro Esophageal Reflux, Hearing Loss, Herpes, Hypertension, Hypothyroid, Incontinence, Impotence, Memory, Muscle Strength, Muscle Weakness, Neuropathies, Pain Relief, Pancreatis, Paralysis, Peak Performance, PTSD, Sarcoidosis, Sensation Loss, Stroke
Concomitant with measurable improvements in their specific disorders, 9 to 10 out of 10 subjects, reported significant positive outcomes, from their EES sessions.
9/10 reported significant Relief of Stress/Anxiety – Deeper Relaxation
10/10 “ “ Relief of Pain – Physical, Emotional, Mental
9/10 “ “ Relief of Fatigue – Increased Energy
10/10 “ “ Relief of other Symptoms as well
9/10 “ “ Improved Focus/Clarity
9/10 “ “ Better Sleep
9/10 “ “ Greater Overall Sense of Well Being
What is the biophysiology of how scalar waves work? Dr Terry Shintani MD of suggests “The scalar field purportedly enhances the metabolism of the cell by being set to pulse at a frequency harmonious to living cells and restores optimal potential difference between the inside and the outside of each cell. This in turn would help the cells to function optimally, eliminate toxins more efficiently and repair itself more quickly.” [Shintani]
Other researchers have demonstrated in not yet published studies the effect of scalar waves on blood cell viscosity; the neurologic effects of scalar fields on brain waves – shifting brain waves, as measured by EEG, to an increase in alpha, delta, and theta waves, associated with a more deeply relaxed state [See photos] , and on noradrenaline uptake [Rein]. Some scientists suggest the possibility of stem cell activation, repair of DNA, and even the lengthening of telomeres, as well.
Herbert Benson MD, of Harvard University Medical School, and author of The Relaxation Response, documented in a breakthrough 1971 study how, “Mental states can markedly alter physiologic function.” EES subjects by their own reports, and by clinical observation, nearly always experience a sense of deep relaxation, with a shift to a more meditative mental state, as a result of their EES sessions. [Loeffler]
With the wealth of research on the deleterious effects of stress on health, what if the reversal of stress, via a scalar induced relaxation response has implications, and promise, for true wellness, far greater that the medical profession has yet to realize?
While we admittedly cannot fully explain how scalar waves facilitate healing – As my father, an Air Force Lieutenant Colonel surgeon, used to say, “You can’t argue with results.”
Ordinarily, we’d of course suggest double blind studies, to further investigate the applications, efficacy, possible side effects, etc of EES scalar sessions.
EESystem scalar energy however, is a non-invasive, non-pharmacologic modality, with well over 15 years of accumulated clinical data with NO known adverse side effects.
Furthermore, a growing body of respected MD’s from across the nation are actively using EESystem scalar energy in their practices for their own personal health, and for the wellness of those they most care most about. They consistently report impressive results for conditions from acute to chronic, autism to PTSD, and more. [see Appendix A].
As the daughter of a surgeon, I nearly became a surgeon myself – I happen to like results. EES scalar energy produces results. As a physician of over 35 years experience, for anyone facing some challenge in their life – physical, emotional, or mental – I highly recommend giving yourself a trial series of EES sessions, and experience the possibilities of scalar energy for yourself.
Linda Nadia Hole MD
Dr Linda is a pioneer in Integrative Medicine, with degrees from Princeton, Duke, & USHS Universities. She has served on numerous faculties, including the American Academy of Pain Management [AAPM], & American Holistic Medical Association, and served as a past member of the Education Committee for the AAPM. She is a consulting editor for the classic textbook Chinese Medical QiGong; and a contributing author of chapters on QiGong and KHT for complementary medicine textbooks for the American Academy of Neurology, American Academy of Cardiology, and the American Academy of Pain Management.

Digital Infrared Thermal Image
Doctor Diagnosed Bronchitis August 2009
Red Indicates Inflammation

The Digital Infrared Thermal Image Shows Green
indicating inflammation has cleared!
Scan of A.E., Sedona, AZ ~ On her follow-up visit, Physician found no trace of bronchitis!
Imaging conducted at QHM Labs Sedona, AZ
EESystem located at The Health Wave ~

Benson MD, Herbert; The Relaxation Response, Harper Torch, 2001
Benson MD, Herbert; Robert Keith Wallace and Archie F Wilson; “A wakeful hypometabolic physiologic state,” American Journal of Physiology, Vol 221,No 3, Sept 1971
Byrd E, “Why Life Responds To and Radiates 10 Hz,” Journal of the United States Phychotronics Association, 1989-2[1]
DeVita EdD, Sabina; Electromagnetic Pollution, Ontario Canada, Stewart Publishing Co, 2000
DeVita EdD, Sabina; “Energy Enhancement System Appendix 1,” Emotional Freedom Face-Lift; Sound Concepts, 2010. [Deputy Member of the Canadian Delegation for Internat Parliament of Saftey and Peace, Deputy Minister Under Secretary Politic of Dept for Problems of Public Health in Canada]
Loffler, Nicol, “The Effects of a Conditioned Space Called the ‘Scalar Room’ on the Experience of Meditation,” Holos University, 2007
Marcial-Vega MD, Victor; “Energy Enhancement System Initial Clinical Study,” Dec 11, 2001;, Studies.pdf
Marcial-Vega MD, Victor; “Energy Enhancement System Scalar Field Technology,” transcript of presentation for Consumer Health Organization, Toronto CA. [Radiation Oncologist, past faculty U of Washington Medical School, and Clinical Assistant Professor U of Miami School of Medicine; research scientist for NIH, and NCI; presented EES as an adjunct therapy for cancer pain to Radiation Oncology Committee, and clinical applications of EES to American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine]
Marconi PhD, Lana; “Scalar Wave Energy,” Stress Relief and Mental Clarity; Celestial Sun Communications, Toronto CA, 2006,
Michaels PhD, Sandra Rose; “Technology Hour” interview transcript, American Freedom Network, Jan 3, 2004;
Orava, John;“Bio-Physicist on the EES System Effect”; June 18, 2007; transcript of video interview, [consultant to Pentagon, NASA, and Dept of Defense; and President of Bio Physicists Foundation]
Rein, Glen; Biological Interactions with Scalar Energy – Celullar Mechanisms of Actions, Proceedings Seventh International Association Psychotronics Research, Dec 1988
Shintani MD, Terry; Noelani Apau Ludlum, and Rosanne Harrigan; “Scalar Field Therapy and Mitigation of Seizure Disorder, A Case Report”; J Neurolo Res, 2012- 2[4]:172-175, [Department of Complementary and Alternative Medicine, John A Burns School of Medicine]
Wynters ND, Sharyn; and Burton Goldberg LHD, “Energy Enhancement System,” The Pure Cure; Counterpoint Press; 2011
Appendix A
Conditions Physicians using Scalar EESystem are reporting positive results for include:
Addicion, ADD/ADHD, Arthritis, Autism, Blood Disorders, Cancer, Chronic Fatigue, Depression, Detoxification, Diabetic Neuropathy, Fibromyalgia, Headaches, Injury Recovery, Memory Loss, Migraines, Parkinson’s Disease, Pain Relief, PTSD, Peak Performance, Seizure Disorder, Stroke, TBI
Physicians Nationwide Using Scalar EESystem Include:
Carolyn Dixon MD – OBGYN, and author
Jack Le Frock MD – Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease, Pain Management, author
Greg Gerber MD – Chief of Staff Houston Memorial Hospital
Victor Marcial-Vega MD – former research scientist for NIH and NCI
Thom Lobe MD – “The Nation’s Top MD’s” and “Best Doctors in America”
Joseph McCready MD – surgeon
Stephen Sinatra MD – “Sinatra Solution” cardiologist, and co-author of Earthing
Ali Tahiri MD – Emergency Medicine
Nancy White MD – Addiction Medicine, ADHD, Autism, TBI, and Brain Mapping
Abraham Woods MD Vet – Medical Examining Board of Florida, and AMA Board
Other Scalar EESystem Users Include:
John Brody – celebrity sportscaster NFL San Francisco ‘49
George Carlo, PhD, MD, JD – EMF cell phone leading investigation expert
Effie Chow PhD Lac – Presidential appointee to White House Commission on Complementary and Alternative Medicine; served also on original NIH OAM NCCAM; in 2008-2009 presented EESystems to NIH as the “Future of Medicine”
Wayne Dyer, best selling author
Betty Furr PhD – Mt Sinai Rehab Hospital Administrator, TBI
John Bell and John Bear – award winning musicians
General Minetti, VA