Most frequent questions and answers

Sessions range from 2 hours, right up to 12.5 hours for overnight stays here at Elevata. Depending on the outcome a person is wishing to receive, we would recommend 2 hours for calming experience to de stress. For more chronic issues, 4hrs to overnight stays may be necessary to achieve optimum results.

There is no need to wait in between sessions, it is beneficial and more productive to experience the Scalar energy in the EES more frequently.

As each person is completely different, we cannot specify how many sessions may be recommended without first having a consult with our in-house Naturopath, Linda Parker. We offer a 15 minute free consultation for all new clients prior to commencing the EES session. This is so that Linda can gain an understanding to each persons unique situation. She will then be able to recommend what will be best suited to the individual in relation to the number of sessions you may need.

The lasting effects of an EES session will vary for each individual. Some clients may feel elevated and energetic for some time post session. Others may feel this way for the rest of the day, while some have been feeling more sleepy and relaxed. We have found there has been no definitive answer overall. However, to continue the Scalar wave enhancement after your session, we have Dr Sandra Rose Michaels EES hyper charged crystal jewellery for purchase online and in clinic.

Some people feel differently in a positive way immediately after their session. For example, deeply relaxed, more “coherent”… “reborn again”, no pain, etc.

Other people may not feel any changes, especially if you have no health issues. Therefore, it can be hard to quantify or measure positive effects on the mental, emotional or spiritual levels.

Scalar Energy is the activating life-force of all ethereal, mental, emotional, and physical activity across time & space that works as the vehicle transporting the waves of all information and intelligence in the Cosmos.

Then we have Scalar waves, which are are a form of light energy that comes from the sun and star systems in the cosmos. The Scalar energy travels through all known objects (biological or other) yet alters each objects coherence with other energy.

Conventional methods can’t measure it because they don’t stay in a measurable form. They tend to move in and out of the third dimension and when given a direction move through the fourth and other dimensions.

They are non-hertz and non-linear. Scalar energy can carry information and doesn’t decay over space and time. Additionally, Scalar energy doesn’t flow like transverse and normal electromagnetic waves (which are linear), but instead increases in spatial mass as it occupies space. This space occupied is not a vacuum but alive with balanced and checked energies. Also, Scalar energy is known as zero point energy.

This amplification supports and benefits the Physical Body, Bio-magnetic sheath, the Aura and its Etheric Bodies (Emotional, mental and Spiritual).