EE System Testimonials
Wonderful Experience at Elevata
“What a wonderful experience at Elevata Retreat using the EE System. I’m not one for sleeping through the night, but after my time in the room I slept that night without stirring. Linda has created a wonderfully inviting space, with the most comfortable leather recliners, super soft blankets and the tranquility of the location is superb. I came out feeling so refreshed, relaxed and rejuvenated with the added bonus of my brain fog being lifted.” Nicki – Melbourne VIC
Within 10 minutes my patient had total pain relief.
“I put one of my patients into the EESystem & within 10 minutes my patient had total pain relief.” ~ Dr. Joseph McCready, MD, Arizona
Varicose Veins Reduced Dramatically!
“It’s good enough for Tony Robbins – & us too! Linda, Paul and Katey – thank you for creating such a welcoming & healing environment. This time I have created new timelines; done lots of energy work; created better outcomes for self & others & my varicose veins have reduced dramatically. I recommend the foot spa, it’s excellent!” Liz – Hervey Bay QLD
The Most Unexpected Thing
“The most unexpected thing was how deeply relaxed I was able to get so quickly. The session also relieved a headache I had for several days.” Helen K – Mountain Creek QLD
Thank You So Much!
“Thank you so much, I have been many times to other places but this has been the most beautiful, wow! The place feel sacred and pure and full of love. Thank you I will never be able to go anywhere else” Tracey Rhodes – Golden Beach QLD
Supportive, Aware, Available
“Having the Elevata room all to myself & feeling the shifting… Being able to emerge into pristine beauty in Montville and the range. Super grateful that you created a healing energy centre right amidst the incredible nature, energy & the mountain range, & that you are so supportive, aware, available.” Barbara Brewster aka Lady Frootloop – Maleny QLD
Stunning location and clinic
Elevata have pointed me in the right direction with diet, better habits planned and a happier and more wholistic attitude. So thanks Elevata team, for a unique and inspiring experience.
Sacred Healing
“I would say that some of the frequencies associated with sacred healing sites are being produced.” – John Orava, Dept. of Defense Physicist
No Bloating Afterwards
“Very relaxed, extra energy.. I came with 3 girlfriends and all had same experience. Look forward to coming back. I felt my digestive system working, no bloating afterwards.” Kat – Melbourne, VIC
My clients are getting results
“My clients are getting results 4 times faster with using the EESystem™. They are literally rejuvenating before my eyes!” Derin Bepo, UK
More Energy
“I am 72 years old and a lot of my friends are telling me how much more radiant and younger I look. I am much happier and have a lot more energy.“ – Elizabeth Huddleson
Joint Pain
“My left knee was sore, now there is an absence of pain when I exercise. My jogging performance improved: I jogged 4 min. faster and my heartbeat was slower.” – D.K., age 47
It Felt Incredible!
“Well one of the main intentions was to clear the mold allergy that I have. I’ve been, prior to this session for the last few days, working at deactivating the sensitivity of my genes, or the predisposition in my genes so talking to my body and I wanted to continue that here. At one point I spontaneously was aware I was viewing my body and my body was horizontal. It was like it was in the middle of the room horizontal, and then my body was split into layers. I was shown it was like small splits, then the top part of me came up and the bottom part of me went down… just as it was stretching up this stuff was just flying out of all the different layers… it’s like I had to be separated for all the stuff that wasn’t required anymore, and it just like flew out of me! This part was very gentle, but all the other bits just went and felt amazing. Then it just got bigger and bigger, a gap between each layer, and then it’s like my whole body disintegrated and went into gold particles and just went like a whoosh into the nothingness… and I was in the nothingness… and it felt incredible!” Christine – Perth WA
I lost 10 pounds since acquiring the system
“I lost 10 pounds since acquiring the system in my clinic two weeks ago and according to my A1C test, my blood sugar is perfect and my blood pressure, which has been an issue for me for many years, is now in the normal range.” ~ Dr. Betty Furr, Ph.D., Sutton Place, NYC, New York
I don’t have any gray hair!
“Thanks to the system, I’m in my 70’s & I don’t have any gray hair!” ~ Dr. Joseph McCready, MD
I Couldn’t Believe The Results
“I came to Elevata clinic with problems, very painful sholder and restricted movements. After one hour sitting in the EES room I could move my arm freely and lift it up straight. I couldn’t believe the results. It is an absolute miracle! Please, give “Elevata Clinic” a call, I would highly recommend it!” Amela Vale – QLD
Have Experienced Others, This Has Been The Best
“Amazing system – have experienced others – this has been the best. Very pure energy & can definitely feel the benefits. Very uplifting.” Michelle Ratcliffe – Caloundra QLD
Hair, Prostate
“Thanks to the system, I’m in my 70’s and I don’t have any gray hair! And this is probably the best prostate treatment in the world.“ – Dr. Joseph McCready, MD and Retired Surgeon
Excited to Return!
“Loved the EE room experience, can’t wait to go back” Mel Smith – QLD
Everyone Should Be Having a Session in the EE Room
“It was absolutely amazing. The feeling of being in the Elevata grounds is just amazing. Everyone should be having a session in the EE room it is just awesome.” Fiona Nitschke – Ballogie QLD
Energetic Shower, So Cleansed & Clear
“Feeling like I had an energetic shower, so cleansed and clear! What an exquisite environment you have created, the perfect cocoon for healing on every level.” A’hara – Alice Springs, NT
Elevata is a Restorative Journey into Healing
“Elevata is a restorative journey into healing and serenity. I discovered the EE technology some years ago and I’m thrilled that Elevata has brought it to Montville. Each session is an increasingly powerful re-set of my body, mind and spirit. I recommend it to anyone consciously seeking renewal.” Joy Aimee – Maleny QLD
Elevata Clinic is Very Inviting
“Elevata Clinic is very inviting. I have chosen to attend 6 EE sessions for 2 hrs each. A week between has helped me to focus on my intentions and notice changes after each session. It is exciting to be in the room & I feel very relaxed & aware of my mind & body. I recommend this form of healing & Elevata Clinic. Linda is very informative & assists me to get the very most from my EE experience” Elayne Martin – Wurtulla QLD
Deeply Transformative Healing
“1st session – deeply transformative healing. I was taken away into other dimensions and felt tremendous energy shifts, healing and integration” Mark Washington – QLD
Calls Were Activated!
“I could certainly feel the energy in my hands and all through my arms, as in my cells were activated. My circulation improved after my first session.” Isobel – Noosaville QLD
Body Relaxing & Back Pain Leaving
“Such a warm welcome into your exquisite Centre. You made sure we had everything needed for our comfort whist relaxing into the ee-system. I could feel my body relaxing and the back pain gently leave.❤️” Deb Lovegrove – Maleny QLD
Better Sleep, Less Stress
Everybody has got to try this! Ever since experiencing an EE Session, I’ve been waking up an hour before my alarm and feeling more rested than ever before. And my days are way less stressful and my life is finally manageable.” – Dr. John Barnwell, PhD
Beautiful Souls Who Align With Where You’re At
“Beautiful Souls who align with where you are at to renew recharge, look beyond just the physical causes of the emotional, mental. Prepare the ground work for you to become the best version of Self. Having practitioners who can work with your body to help this transformative growth & the EE Systems as is truly remarkable well thought out business and a credit to Linda and Paul.” Donna Stratford – Millicent SA
Back Pain Improved to 1/10 of Original Pain
“1st session – back pain improved to 1/10 of original pain. 2nd session – Deep/extreme detox as per my intention. Over the next 3 days severe pain in spine & limbs, I slept for 36hrs feeling like I was broken open on a cellular level and put back together. 3rd session – The day after, deep emotional pain was released. 4th & 5th sessions – Peace and clarity. Enhanced intuition & understanding of others journeys. Thank you for opening your home to the EE System, you can see how much it works just by the garden growth and healthy foliage + elemental energy available. I have much more clarity around my soul purpose and what the future can now offer if I let it. I feel like I let go of alot of hidden fears. A form of rebirth 🩷” Clare Allen – QLD
An Emotional Experience
“Excellent facility, exceptional host who is kind, knowledgeable and a really lovely soul. My experience was really emotional, the tears flowed and I feel good now. It was not expected but obviously needed.” Marylou – Townsville QLD
Actress Linda Gray Says:
Since I’ve used the System I have more clarity, focus, my skin is more radiant and it actually feels like the cells are pumped up. –Linda Gray, “Dallas” Actress
4 Year Old’s Amazing Results
“I have brought my 4 year old daughter in for 3 overnight sessions in the EE System lounge. This has helped with her eczema, sleep, and inflammation in her chest/tonsils greatly. We followed the last overnight stay with a Medical Intuitive session in the EES, and she hasn’t had a throat infection since!” Katey Brown – Sippy Downs QLD
“This is probably the best prostate treatment in the world.”
~ Dr. Joseph McCready, MD & Retired Surgeon, Arizona
_I feel that a miracle has happened to me
“Being a diabetic, I sometimes felt like I was in a no-man’s-land. I was only legally blind in one eye, but I really had difficulty seeing altogether…and I tried to adapt to my low vision as gracefully as possible and that was when a friend of mine told me about the EESystem. I was so excited to hear about his overall vision improvement that I thought about seriously giving this alternative therapy a shot. I was delightfully surprised that after my first session in the system that not only was I seeing better, but my blood sugar level was 100 points lower! Following my next appointment, the eye that I was legally blind in…I was able to see fuzzy images for the first time in over a year! Also, I was not sure if my good eye had improved until the next day after my session, I was instructed to go home a take a sea salt bath and much to my amazement, I felt stronger, more relaxed and I could read the newspaper without my glasses. I am pleased to share that resulting from a total of only 8 hours in the EESystem, I’m seeing & sleeping better and I’ve cut my insulin dosages in HALF! I feel that a miracle has happened to me, because my ophthalmologist diagnosed my condition as permanent and now I can thankfully say that my vision loss is not permanent, in fact, it’s reversing without drugs or laser treatments! This technology has given me hope that one day I’ll regain my independence to drive a car again and cease taking any insulin!” ~ John Cross, Florida
_A family friend introduced us to the EESystem
“We were married in 2007 and couldn’t wait to start a family. As I had Polysystic Ovary Syndrome we thought it may take a while and that we may need some medical intervention to help. After a few months of trying we were prescribed a medication to help with ovulation, although it was successful we never had any luck falling pregnant. Our next step was IVF. We tried and tried again adding a few other therapies to the mix, being Acupuncture and Naturopathy. After seven cycles of IVF we never thought we were ever going to get there. Apart from the money we were spending on treatment the emotions of not being successful were really taking their toll. That is when a family friend introduced us to the EESystem and to Dr. Sandra Rose Michael. We spent a weekend in our friends home where he had the system set up and enjoyed relaxing while being excited to be trying something new. We talked with Sandra about many ways to improve our health to give us every chance of falling pregnant and improving our lives in general. I also spent some time with Sandra working on my body in many powerful ways. After returning home we made many changes to improve our lifestyle and after only a few more cycles we were shocked and excited to discover that finally our wish had come true, we were having a baby! Three years of trying, we had now made it. We are convinced that our time in the system and my session with Sandra made all the difference and we will always be grateful to both Peter and Sandra for their generous help and encouragement in helping us become a family.” ~Fiona & Craig Kelly