Remedial Massage Therapy

Welcome to a sanctuary of holistic well-being - Elevata Clinic.

Available Days

Wednesday  |  Thursday |  Friday |  Saturday 

Available Times

8am – 6pm (last appointment)



NO EES: $149

What is Remedial Massage?

Remedial massage is a type of complementary therapy which focuses on assessing and treating muscles that are damaged, tense, impaired, knotted or immobile. It is effective against a number of problems affecting the muscles, bones, fascia, ligaments and tendons.

The main purpose of remedial massage is to identify the underlying cause of a musculoskeletal condition and then specifically work on the affected area to achieve a significant change. The change includes reduced pain, improved mobility, less tension, or a combination of these. Remedial massage can either be deep or shallow, gentle or strong, depending on the problem to be addressed.

How Does Remedial Massage Work?

Before the massage starts, the therapist will ask the patient about his or her health and lifestyle. This will help in determining the cause of the problem and trace and locate the target area. Then, the patient lies on the massage table, with towels covering their body for privacy and to keep them warm. Creams or essential oils can be used in massaging the skin smoothly. Also, these will help the therapist work deeply into the affected muscles to address discomfort and restore mobilisation of the joints.

A remedial massage therapist uses different techniques to locate and repair the damaged tissues in the body. They may apply deep pressure on the muscles associated with the problem, trigger point therapy, some stretching and petrissage techniques among others.

What Are the Benefits Remedial Massage?

A remedial massage therapy session offers numerous physiological, psychological and emotional benefits. As it breaks down muscle adhesions, it improves the rate of blood flow, promotes cell growth, strengthens the joints and eases muscle stiffness. Additionally, it improves body posture and skin tone, restores the natural position of the bones in the body and eliminates toxins stored in the muscles. Getting this type of massage on a regular basis also helps boosts immunity to combat all kinds of ailments and diseases, including:

Abdominal pain
Back pain
Sciatic pain
Sports and dance-related injuries
Muscle cramps
Muscular atrophy
Frozen shoulder

What Can You Expect From a Remedial Massage?

A remedial massage session always begins with an assessment that takes roughly 5 minutes. The practitioner will ask the client about their health history, lifestyle and usual activities to get to the root cause of their pain. The therapist will perform different kinds of tests to check the client's posture, range of motion, muscles and nerves. From what they have gathered, the therapist will be able to determine which massage techniques to use to address the client's issue. Finally, before they get down to work, the practitioner will ask the client their preferred level of pressure. The treatment session can take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the specific area to be addressed or whether a whole body massage is to be given.

The client is encouraged to communicate their needs to the therapist, especially with regard to the amount of pressure applied to their body. After the session, the practitioner advises the client to drink plenty of water to move the toxins released from the muscles out of their body.

The frequency of a remedial massage depends on the client's state of health. The practitioner may recommend a healthy person to get a massage once a month, while those who are working on long-standing pain may need it once or twice a week.

Is Remedial Massage Safe?

Remedial massage is generally safe, even for pregnant women and elderly people. However, clients must choose to work with practitioners who have completed the necessary qualifications and are members of the relevant associations for remedial massage therapists.

Add On: Lomi 'ili (Hot Stones)

Lomi ‘ili have tremendous therapeutic benefits besides experiencing an ancient Hawaiian art form. The heat from the stones increases circulation. The improved blood supply moves inflammation out of the area and brings more healing nutrients in.

Any of the Lomi techniques can be used with the tools of the stones, because they relax all the tissues around the problem area. It increases the blood flow and heat, allowing the practitioner to get much deeper without creating a “guard” from the client’s body. These amazing tools from the earth will absolutely help to ground, nourish and obtain better results from the treatment.

Come rejuvenate your body, reset your mind, and discover a sense of renewed vitality at Elevata Retreat. Experience our blend of traditional and contemporary massage therapies and let the path to self-discovery, healing, and revitalization unfold.


Jeannette Oliver

My Journey to Hawaiian Lomilomi Practice

Sometimes transformation pops into our life in apparently simple but profound ways.  It is a part of our earthly life that seems to manifest when the destiny intervenes. In the most mundane appearing circumstance, the preparation is being brewed behind the scenes and comes to form when we are not chasing it. This was the case in my path in massage therapy.

In returning to Hawaii from Australia in 1997 we ended up on the Big Island of Hawaii. I fell into working for a philanthropist, visionary who helped create the first integrative hospital in the USA, then becoming the outreach person for a successful Community Health initiative for a cluster of his non-profits we were facilitating. I really connected to the Hawaiian people, their way of life and was invited to study the traditional medicine. 

In 2005, I met a highly revered master Aunty Margaret Machado and as she held my hands she said, “You do Lomi, it is in your heart and in your hands.” Aunty Margaret Machado is known as one of the first Hawaiians who started to teach outside of their ‘ohana (family). She was the Kupuna (elder) of the Hawaiian Lomilomi Massage (Lomilomi Aunty Margaret Style). I knew that when someone of that stature gives you a directive you better pay attention. So, my journey in Hawaiian Lomilomi Massage began. My training from her lineage was experienced directly in Hawaii through my Kumu (teacher) Haunani and several other respected Kumus throughout the years.

I have also gained more skills, knowledge and practices whilst working in Australia and believe we must grow and learn from many schools to blend what is needed to provide sessions unique to each person. This leads me to continue to grow and learn to bring what methods, knowledge and care I can to my clients.

Jeannette Oliver, Maori Healer, Hawaiian Lomilomi Sunshine Coast