The Medical Intuitive

What is a Medical Intuitive?

  • Adams ability to visualise dis-ease on a cellular level inside the physical body, enables him to determine unhealthy cells (red inflammation) & white cells (healthy).

    Adam then begins to proceed to restore cellular health on a subtle level throughout body releasing cellular inflammation.

How Does It Work?

  • Adam incorporates cellular energetics with fascia maneuvers (powerful somatic practices, including breath & stretch) in his 1:1 sessions.

    This allows to firstly bring the the body back into flow and release any tension & stress then intuitively guided, Adam facilitates cellular energetics.

    Adam provides a safe & nurturing environment allowing clients to feel relaxed & at peace.

Available Times

  • Call Elevata Clinic (07) 5478 5438  for bookings In-person or by Zoom Monday – Saturday 10-6pm
  • PRICE: $200 per session

Client Testimonials

A little update a few days post your healing and all I can say is WOW. I feel light, energetic and free in my spirit again. Like I’m back on my life path. The pain and aches throughout my neck/shoulder and arms have been significantly reduced, to a degree that regular acupuncture never did for me. There is this aura of peace and light around my being and I am so grateful to have connected with you.” – Natalie from Sydney

“Adam, I came to you wanting to remove the remaining of my cancer tumour in my brain. Then not knowing how you could help me or how your gifts work. After the first session it was clear your gifts are powerful! Today, after a handful of sessions I am beyond joyful, and astounded to let you know that my MRI report last week states “No evidence of tumour reoccurrence”. – Marika from New Zealand


Adam Royall

Adam’s healing gifts appeared naturally approximately 6 years ago.

During the month of Adams initiation process, he would receive powerful healing frequencies moving through the cells of his entire body. Adam began to visualize an influx of light codes, flashing lights and healing frequencies which led him to seeing cells inside the physical body.

The first time Adam realised he had healing gifts, was when a woman was experiencing severe migraines and Adam could see what was occurring in her brain and released the migraine immediately. This was the beginning of Adams’ journey as a Medical Intuitive & Energy Healer.

Just prior to Adams ability to heal people, he experienced a severe grand mal epileptic seizure, and healed his own epilepsy that he was diagnosed with his whole life. It was nothing short of a miracle for Adam.

Adam now has the ability and can determine where inflammation & trauma is stored in the body to restore cellular health.

Adam’s work has now enabled him to treat clients online around the world, leading health retreats & healing spaces such as Gaia Retreat in Byron Bay, Pura Vida Wellness, Orchards Street Sydney & Chi Hub on the Sunshine Coast.

In addition, Adam has a background in Psychology and has recently trained with Human Garage from America, where he now incorporates a powerful somatic practice called Fascia Maneuvers, that releases stress from the body and supports a wide range of health conditions.

Adam has a firm belief system that any type of disease is curable “Our cells are energy & respond to frequency”.

Adam has successfully treated many types of mild & chronic health conditions & trauma-based symptoms, by allowing our bodies innate healing wisdom to heal self.

Adam is all about self-empowerment with his clients offering tools to take home to continue their healing journey & return to optimal health.      

Adam Medical Intuitive Sunshine Coast